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The transformation that you desire whether that be freedom from anxiety / depression, liberation from your past, or expansion takes place when you're able to get out of your mind and into your body.

Every thing is energy and 
energy is neither created nor destroyed - it simply transformed. In order to grow, expand, and change you must change your energetic + emotional state. This is exactly what Root with Breath will help you to do.

Weekly circular connected breath work journeys
that will support you in embodying the transformation that you desire.

There will be 4 calls per month.

As a bonus gift you will have access to the replays for the duration of your membership.


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Breath work is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to help people cultivate change from the inside out.

When you consciously alter your breathing pattern for 45-55 minutes you are able to process trapped emotions, release energy that is no longer serving you, and gain mental clarity.


Every time you show up for a breath work journey in Root with Breath you will get exactly what you need. 

But! Here are seven benefits of building a consistent breath work practice:

1. Breath work is scientifically proven to help reduce anxiety, heal depression, and over come PTSD. 
2. You will build a stronger relationship with your intuition.
3. You will release trapped emotions to feel lighter in your body.
4. You will be able to see beyond your current paradigm to experience mental and/or spiritual breakthroughs.
5. You will begin to build a deeper relationship with your breath & improve the connection that you have to yourself.
6. You will begin to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Divine / Source.
7. You will become more clear in your body & your manifestation abilities will improve.



1. I've done breath work before, what makes this special?

Jess holds a grounded, feminine, healing space that will allow you to meet yourself exactly where you are while simultaneously supporting you to expand. Jess will curate the sessions & her guidance to support your unique intentions. This will be a personalized group experience.

2. I meditate and do yoga already, how is this different?

Root with Breath will take you deeper into your body. If you meditate for peace & clarity then breath work will support you in releasing trapped emotions and clearing mental fog to create lasting peace + clarity. If you're doing yoga to merge with the Divine then this Root with Breath will support you in expanding your consciousness  

3. I can't make it to every Tuesday call; should I still join?

Yes! You will have access to the replays for the duration of your membership.

4. I'd like to try a single class before joining the membership, do you offer drop in classes?

Yes - drop in classes are $25. Click here to join!


Hi beautiful soul, I'm Jess.


My journey with breath work began in 2018 in Bend, OR. It was the middle of winter, there was snow on the ground, and I was running late to the class. I almost didn't go but I could feel that I needed to be there. I entered the gymnasium & took a spot in the back. I felt incredibly nervous! There were 200+ people breathing together & the energy in the room was alive! The instructor led us through the journey, deeper into the breath, deeper into the body and eventually he invited each of us each to release through screaming, shaking, and moving. I was timid & afraid of what would come out of me but I went for it. And the release was profound - I could feel years of suppressed trauma, sadness, and anger leave my body, I saw visions, and and I gained so much clarity. 

This experience showed me just how powerful the breath was & got me excited to go deeper into my healing journey. For the next few years I dove deeply into ThetaHealing (learn more about ThetaHealing here.)


In early 2022 I came to the realization that my body was holding onto a lot of sexual trauma that needed to be released. This realization brought me back to breath work & sparked a flame within me to begin healing somatically. Through this journey I've been able to release years of sxual trauma and open myself back up to receiving. In March I became certified through the Breath of Gold Breath work Facilitator program which is accredited though the Yoga Alliance. 

Breath work allowed me heal this year from some of the most challenging things in my life, expand my awareness, and release years of suppressed emotions from my body. I truly believe in the power of the breath & my desire is to help you reconnect with yourself through your breath. I'm so happy you're here & I'd love for you to join the Root with Breath membership if it feels right for you. 

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out:

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